Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Heartless ache...
For beginners, this is just a brief story as to what really happened, as in, what we know on paper.
What we know:
BCCI is a central organization for managing cricket and its activities in India. Lalit modi, just another 'moolah-minter' comes up with this idea of introducing IPL. Almost at the same time, also was brewing a similar system in India: ICL. popularity of IPL is more than ICL, reason being the umbrella IPL is under. IPL is 'supported' not 'regulated' by BCCI, a government back up and also it is backed by one of the most successful 'moolah-minters' of the country like the crown of Kingfisher breweries, the king of bollywood, some queens of bollywood and other successful business tycoons of the country. Resulting, IPL is where all the 'maaal' is. Lalit modi rises to become one of the richest guys in India with this format of play and is well praised for uniting the nations and incorporating a new zeal of cricket in a cricket 'pray(l)ing' nation. ICL never rose to success under the darkest dark shadow of the BCCI' umbrella and IPL's success. Well, that's where we get out IPL from, aka Indian Premier League.
Now, the process of functioning is that these tycoons buy their players, with a deadly mix of few martyrs and a bunch of outsiders. Most potent combination wins the highest bid in the auction. The outline has been pre-decided for the number of Indian and foreign players to be playing in the team. Having a liberty to decide rules and players, makes it more of a didactic game. Seems more barbaric to me that you select the player as well as decide the rules as to who will select who and how many of them should a team have. Well, all the glitz explains the puppet mockery of the players. Home is where moolah is, is the new mantra for the players. Why dont' we see players like sachin tendulkar and Ganguly play for ICL instead. The format is flawed, basically designed to reap the benefits, both to the tycoons and their smaller representations, our nations population. It is almost like putting up a show for entertainment, the glory, passion and love for the game is all on the back burner for IPL.
So, that's the process how IPL functions.
Recent developments:
One kasab, enters with a bunch of jihadi losers in a boat through the waters of Indian coast on the west and creates a havoc on the business capital Mumbai. Which as usual remains true to its name ' Mum' on the entire scenario. Trials continue, and we all know they never end, the guy/accused/convict will die, but the case against him will last forever.
So, these recent developments create quite a stir in the nation, negative sentiments develop and hatred against the neighbors is a mutual anonymous feeling.
It's the time of the year when IPL season is about to begin. Usually, companies have a 4 quarter profit/loss balance sheet. For the tycoons investing in IPL, each season equals 4 quarters worth of profits. Let's face it, its almost always profits. KKR (Kolkata night riders) lost miserably the previous season. Miserable is just an understatement. Even after losing the season, it's profits for season 2009 are ranked third overall, with a whopping 25.8 Crores Indian Rupees. My interest below these calculations and figures lies in the fact that the game called cricket is more of a company franchisee than being a national representative.
A poll on asked its website visitors to select an option according to them that "Who is responsible for the blackouts of pakistanis at IPL?", of the options, 1.) IPL-they should have stepped in, 2.) The franchises-who acted politically, 3.) The players-who should have read the signals, 4.) No, it was a purely business decision. Any guesses which was the most selected option??...
"No, it was a purely business decision"!!..
What has happened?
What happened is that, after the terrorist attack on the TAJ at mumbai, we have had negative sentiments against the Pakistanis. Well, I being a patriotic indian, respect the feeling and agree that the feelings are indeed bitter and hurtful. But, I have a rational approach to it. Seriously, lets think of it the way it is supposed to be.
Does a terrorist represent an entire nation? Does Kasab represent pakistan, of course one may argue that Pakistan is a terrorist country, labeled so by the world. Does it change the citizenship status for the people living in that nation. Does it change form being a Pakistani to "jihadi" or "aatnakwadi"?
No it does not!
My argument lies in the fact that why should rest of the country suffer from the wrong doings of one person. Technically, that is not even proved that Kasab is a Pakistani citizen. Even if he IS, how does it change our behavior towards the ones who are not!
Pakistani players were not bid for in the recent auction for IPL players by any of the teams in India. Reason: Security concern. Really? No, its about the funds and finances and expenses that would go behind providing security to the Paki players in India. From whom? you may ask! From fellow angry Indians, waiting to have their share of flesh cut!
Why were the paki players invited in the country for the bid anyway then? Why were they made to face the humiliation and anguish? Why was this sentiment triggered in them? Was it even necessary? Wasn't there an intermediate solution feasible?
I believe the answer will always be a big huge NO with a flashing neon exclamation mark next to it! That is if your perspective is making moolah.
Which is what the game is turning out to be!
I agree, it is necessary, but more important and of essence in this form of game is to respect the sentiments of the people who you represent and who support you. Above all, when there is a monopolized back up of a single country, in this case India, then its a responsibility that every one is treated equally. Irrespective of his her country backgrounds.
Why should a decision be made for any Pakistani player, based on his country' misfortunes, why not his skill set be looked at. I am not asking to ignore the fact that a lot of injustice has been done with us as a country and entity, but why should it reflect back as a negative sentiment against some one who is not even closely responsible for it? Punish the wrong doers, don't punish the ones who haven't done anything wrong and give them reasons to take an against stand!
Pakistan is a cricket loving nation, in today's world, all of us know each other's nuclear capabilities! Its all under the big red button which no one will hesitate to press on, once the panic is triggered.
According to me, our aim, India's and every other country's aim should be to attenuate the tensions rather than aggravating them to any extent.
India had 2 options to take a stand in such a situation. Yes India! I know IPL is not backed by the government but, it is a part of Indian legacy now. Further, being under the umbrella shed of BCCI, which is directly under the central governance, makes the IPL indirectly under the union governance. In this situation, to promote peace and ease tension between the borders, government should have intervened, although P.Chidambaram DID intervene, a stronger and bolder step was necessary.
Atleast for maintaining the peace and a positive gesture, for the sake of goodwill, IPL should have looked beyond their bank balances and looked into taking in the skilled Paki players.
Yes, there is an argument on the players bringing in the religion with them to the game, but thats al together another story and not really attached to this scenario at all.
Atleast for a "sefl-proclaimed" "Secular" country, these reasons are not justified not to bid for Pakistani players in the IPL.
Its time to look over the horizon of balance sheets and a major introspection is necessary in having a foresight to a peaceful future. It's high time we start being mature!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Through the thoughts of an average indian girl post marriage...
· Here is a girl, who is as much educated as you are;
Friday, January 22, 2010
Relationships: Chapter: Friendship etc...
Memory lanes...part 2
- Multiple Fractured my left leg, in a weird bicycle accident, 6 months bed rest... (6th grade)
- Proposed a girl in 8th grade and got thru... (7th grade)
- Beat up a guy for misbehaving with my bro, then get beaten up by his folks... (8th grade)
- Mess up studies real bad, getting 36% overall, lowest ever... (9th grade)
- Fleeing pre-board examination scene (History exam specifically) and not turn up with the truth until results... (10th grade)
- Getting caught by the folks in PTA whose daughter I had an affair (long kept secret) with... (12th grade)
- Had my first drag on Marlboro Reds... (1st yr. bachelors')
- 60 cigs a day... (2nd yr. bachelor's)
- Make out in second class sleeper compartment, with a girl who had a breakup 6 hours back, that too travelling on wait list... (3rd yr. bachelor's)
- Bumping into my ex at JFK on her first marriage anniversary... (1st yr. Grad.)
Monday, January 11, 2010
Memory lanes...part 1

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Things were rosy and the sun was bright,
That morning I woke up with a clear foresight,
Day moved on smooth as a merrily sailing kite,
I had wished to be ur shinning knight,
Who knew small things can often end up in spite,
I truly appreciate your candor,
although the remark was a little slander,
ur charm made the effect meander,
I vow today not to make such a mistake again,
I commit today not to make u cry again,
I pledge today not to erase that smile of yours again,
I dont take much time writing a poem,
but when its an apologetic piece, in that, I don't have a good name,
I hope you do forgive me and my innocent mistake,
lets celebrate it someday by cutting a cake,
I know u love tiramisu,
and now stop being be so blue,
I have given u enough of a clue,
If u still dont get it, then let me just tell it to u,
I love cakes and I know u do too,
Lets go and gain a pound or two,
afterall it doesnt matter when its with you!